Schematic Tower Concept:
“Colliding Particles”
A dialogue of: destruction and creation, stability and agitation, the fantastic and pragmatic.
The block grid of New York represents the rational human imposition on topography. Both city and tower combine their destructive energy to create a purely human environment that directly reflects his/her total desires. The skyscraper is the radical emergence out of the rational grid order into a realm of irrationality and fantasy.
The Colliding Particle tower will attempt to disrupt the man-made topography by means of broad tears in the proposed deck over the rail yards and affect other neighbouring towers by a radial-explosive gesture. The tower will terminate the Hudson corridor and redirect pedestrians through a fragmented landscape towards the water and ferry terminal or eastward to the Farley corridor. Pedestrians will experience entry to the tower by crossing numerous bridges over the exposed rails passing under or through the tower below grade.
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Split-Core Tower Program:
Approximate Floor Area = 4200 sq/m, 70 floors total.
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