It's not all work at 10 Friary. Fridays bring out the shenanigans in everyone, but never as wild as this [sarcasm]. Maria Kiernan (far left), shares the practice with Paul Kearney (second from right). Next to Paul on the far right is Agnieszka who has been working for K&K for a year now. Right behind Maria is a sculpture artist who popped in to drop off a granite carving of the K&K logo and receive payment in wine. At the back you see the Swiss-Italian connection - Giaccomo and Elda from southern Switzerland. Giaccomo runs his own practice in

Zurich but moved to Dublin with Elda to improve his English. He runs the firm entirely by
Eventually, the womens coralled the mens into the kitchen to wash dishes which they found overly amusing. I'm not actually as thrilled as I look.

And then the hat swapping...
1 comment:
Hello Richard,
Thanks for the pictures. I like the one with you helping out in the kitchen after the meals,just like home. The women are smarter eh to get you guys in the kitchen to the clean up!!
The room is no doubt very very smallll. phew, but cozy.
I like the roof top view. Don't hang out too much out there after your pints.
Thanks for introducing the clan you work for. Now we know who Maria and partner are.
Is that the office?
Take care
love Mum
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