The revered religious holiday St. Paddy's Day flew by this past weekend. This was The Genuine Article - nothing could be more Irish than St. Paddy's Day in Dublin! The Irish however kept a low profile. They've just about had enough of this pomp every year, and a lot of 'em booked town. Around this time, the city. is. mayhem. The place was
filled with people. The parade was pretty eclectic but entertaining, with Carnivale-esque costumes and oddly enough, a number of USA marching bands from Universities of Tennessee, Illinois, and Nebraska. The NYC Council also made a surprise appearance. Almost immediately, the crowds stampeded through the streets to the nearest pub. We bolted for the Stag's Head and watched the Rugby finals which was cunningly timed with St. Paddy's Day. This is when the resident Irish came out of the woodworks and patriotically cheered their lungs out for the national team. James and I noticed that for the first time, Dubliners have lived up to their name of being chatty folk. Until now this has been somewhat elusive... some situations just stir up a new spirit in people.
It took the weekend to fully recharge.